Benefits of IT Staff Augmentation

Staff Augmentation might seem like an intimidating term, but It’s actually a simple process that many businesses take advantage of due to the significant number of benefits.

Staff Augmentation Explained: Staff Augmentation is a strategic process that consists of hiring a short term contractor for their specific skill set and assistance instead of a permanent employee. This process is popular among IT companies due to their seasonal and project basis needs. For example, imagine you have a unique four-month-long project that requires extra help and experience. This is where staff augmentation comes in handy because you can hire trained and experienced short term staff who can efficiently work on the project while blending in with the rest of the team.

Key Benefits

1. Access to Specific Skill Sets: Staff Augmentation allows for companies to seek out individuals who have the ideal skill set to complete a specific project. This process helps to increase efficiency in the workplace and meet aggressive deadlines.

2. Lowered Labor Overhead Costs: Although it is important for a company to have a strong bench of full-time employees, staff augmentation lowers expenses associated with covering vacation days, health insurance, benefits and taxes for employees.

3. Focused & Unbiased Workforce: Augmented staff are hired to complete a specific job and have no internal factors hindering them from getting it done successfully and on time. 

We are EAGER to be an extended member of your IT family! Whether your staff is overwhelmed with projects, shorthanded due to departures or unfamiliar with technologies, we can provide:

  • Point and Platform Solution Expertise
  •  Operational Support
  •  Long-Term Project Support
  •  Executive Leadership: vCIO or vCTO
  •  IT Help Desk Assistance

 Or any other well-suited task!

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