Maintaining Business Continuity: COVID-19

Maintaining Business Continuity: COVID-19

Business continuity is the planning and preparation undertaken to ensure that an organization will have the capability to operate its critical business functions during emergency events. Events can include natural disasters, a business crisis, pandemic, workplace violence, or any event that results in a disruption of your business operation. Right! Systems can provide your organization with a COMPLIMENTARY business continuity evaluation! Take advantage of this opportunity by using the contact form below.

The global impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) on individuals and organizations is causing many to discuss and highly consider remote working. Here at Right! Systems, our top priority is making sure our customers feel safe while still being able to be productive in their workspace. Our services team, in partnership with our manufacturer partners, can provide rapid deployment of a remote worker solution, helping to maintain business continuity during the pandemic we are facing.

Big tech companies are asking more and more employees to work from home as the coronavirus continues to spread. Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Amazon have implemented remote working policies for many or all of their employees around the globe. With remote working starting to be the new norm, here are a few things to consider when working remote,

  • Communication is Key: Making sure to keep clear and efficient communication with your manager and other staff members is essential when working from home. This way, you can know exactly what is expected of you while making sure you’re in the loop with all company updates.
  • Creative Employee Connection: Even with all the available resources that can connect remote workers, the transition from an office to a remote working environment can leave individuals struggling to adjust to the change. Extended isolation can potentially impact morale and productivity. Some creative ways to boost morale could include virtual team bonding activities or remote happy hours where people dial in and share a cocktail on video conferencing software.
  • Make the Most of Your Workspace: A downside to working remotely for some can be not having access to a home office, dual monitors, or any other resource you are used to having at work. A way to help is creating a dedicated office space within your house to help increase productivity and decrease distractions. Taking scheduled breaks can help create a balance between getting your work done and dealing with interruptions such as dogs, household chores, etc.

Some of our manufacturing partners such as Cisco and Citrix are providing a few options to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on organizations:

Cisco Webex- Collaboration

  • Cisco has expanded the capabilities on their free Webex offer in all countries where it is available (52 countries), not only those impacted by COVID-19. Here are the additional features:
    • Unlimited usage (no time restrictions)
    • Supports up to 100 participants 
    • Includes toll dial-in (in addition to existing VoIP capabilities)
  • Additionally, they are providing free, full-featured 90-day licenses to businesses in this time of need. They are making this available through our Webex Trials program available from partners or our Cisco Collaboration Experience Team (CCEP). This offer is focused on enterprises looking to enable larger groups across their organization. 
  • They are also helping existing customers meet their rapidly changing needs as they enable a much larger number of remote workers by temporarily expanding their usage at no additional cost.  


  • Offering a 1-year Business Continuity Assurance program, essentially offering highly discounted licensing for on-prem Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop licenses starting at $22/license.

Our experts at Right! Systems would love the opportunity to provide our point of view, timely updates, and practical advice on remote working, and more. We can also get started on the complimentary business continuity evaluation and start implementing any of the Cisco and Citrix offerings. Contact us today by filling out the form!

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